The African Union bloc climate agenda for and beyond COP28: Achieving aims and reaching goals in partnership.

  • The year’s Conference of Parties #(COP28), as with others before it, is aimed at advancing collaborative efforts on #climate change and #sustainable development by bringing together a wide range of stakeholders from all levels of #government, #youth, #business and investors, civil society, frontline communities, indigenous peoples, and around specific solutions, build resilience, and mobilize finance at scale. This includes the African continent, under the #African Union (AU).
  • African countries have generally assumed responsibility for reducing #greenhouse gas emissions, while acknowledging the expected catalyzing and financing roles of richer industrial countries. #Africa contributes less than 4% of Global CO2 emissions, yet the continent will bear most of the brunt of climate change.
  • However, in February 2022, Nairobi Declaration – “a clear statement of Africa’s needs and priorities” was adopted. The declaration aligns with the African Union Climate Change and Resilient Development Strategy and Action Plan. This
    sets a framework for climate action in Africa, including external partnerships around financing, adaptation and other priority areas.
  • Find more in this article about the key outcomes of the consensus declaration and how the Africa Union will achieve aims and reaching climate goals in partnership

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