Just Energy Transitions and Partnerships In Africa: A Nigeria Case Study


Just Energy Transitions and Partnerships In Africa: A Nigeria Case Study.

Nigeria is a country rich in energy resources, including coal, biomass, crude oil and natural gas. The country also has abundant natural resources that favour it in being a major renewable energy producer. However, Nigeria must now look at diversifying its energy business to avoid stranded assets in a world where countries are deliberately cutting off their consumption of fossil fuels for clean energy.

Energy transition, for Nigerians, is still a mix of moving from wood fuel to cleaner energy sources like solar PV, biofuels and other clean energy sources. The Nigeria launched the Energy Transition Plan (ETP), which identified natural gas as a major enabler helping the country edge closer to its decarbonization goals. Given this framing, what must be considered for a just energy transition between Nigeria and the EU (and the wider International Development community)?

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